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BOH Minutes April 13, 2010
April 13, 2010

MEMBERS PRESENT: Dr. Barbara Poremba, Chairperson, Kemith LeBlanc, Martin Fair, Dr. Larissa Lucas & Gayle Sullivan
OTHERS PRESENT: David Greenbaum, Acting Health Agent
1. Call to Order

2. Minutes of Last Meeting
          (March 9, 2010)
Meeting called to order by Dr. Poremba, Chair, at 7:04pm.

Unanimously approved

3. Chairperson Announcements
Additions and updates to Body Art Regulations signed and effective immediately.
Dr. Poremba notified the Board that an appeal has been filed on the transfer station.
    4. Monthly Reports-Updates

  • Administrative Report
  • Public Health Nurse Report

  • Acting Health Agent Report

  • City Council Liaison Updates

5. New Business

          A.  Micro-pigmentation variance  
                 request from Nikki Leitao

           B. High Rock Bridge Street LLC  
           (Community Life Center Development)
Presented by Atty. Joseph Correnti, Harry Gunderson, & David Sweets

Presented and approved. See attached.

Presented and approved. See attached. An H1N1 seminar was attended by Tracy and David. The state is still asking local Boards of Health to keep vaccinating. Salem has 260 doses of H1N1 that will expire in June of this year. David stated that we are still running ads in the Salem Evening News to notify the public that they can still get vaccinated.

Presented and approved. See attached.
David attended the budget meeting with the Mayor.
As there is some administrative funds still available,
Dr. Poremba recommended that needed office and inspectional supplies be purchased. Any remaining funds should be used in obtaining communication devices for emergency preparedness clinics we might have in the future with the administrative money we have left in our budget.

None presented.

Nikki Leitao requests waiver of requirement of certification from the American Academy of Micro-Pigmentation for permit as a micro-pigmentation artist.
M. Fair asked Ms. Leitao if she has taken or is willing to take the 60 hour course on Micro-Pigmentation. She stated that the closest course is in NY and costs about $4,500.00. She was an apprentice for 1 year and has been permitted and working as a Micro-Pigmentation artist in Boston for over 5 years.
Dr. Poremba spoke with the President of the American Academy of Micro-Pigmentation in NY City and corroborated Ms. Leitao’s statements. There are no courses available in MA; certification by the organization requires 40-50 hours of study under a Certified Micropigmentation Instructor who is a Board Certified Trainer with a minimum of 5 years of experience.
Cost is approximately $4,500.
Motion by K. LeBlanc: Given the significant hardship for this certification and Ms. Leitao’s current permit in micropigmentation issued by the City of Boston, the board recommended that this requirement be waived and the applicant be granted a variance.
2nd Dr. Lucas. 4 in favor, 0 opposed (Chair waives vote per usual custom).
Motion caries.  

Proposed is a new building on the old Sylvania site at the corner of Boston St. and Bridge St. The property extends down Bridge St. to the St. James parking lot. On the first floor of this building 20,000 square feet is intended to house the new Salem Community Life Center.  
High Rock Bridge St. LLC is currently going through a site plan review with the Planning Board, as well as the Conservation Commission and the Design Review Board. They will Go before the Zoning Board of Appeal in May. These plans have evolved many times over.
Harry Gunderson – Showing the Board the drawings of the site of proposed building and parking lot. There will be a landscape buffer along the Federal St. side of the property and trees will be planted along Boston St. Mr. Gunderson spent a lot of time with the abutters and the Federal Street community. The building will be on the corner on Boston & Bridge St. There will be 7 plus feet added to the Salem sidewalks on that corner. The main entrance will be on Bridge Street and will have a full canopy along that side of the building to walk under. The building may house a health club. There could be room to fit café tables along the walkway near the parking lot.
The loading dock is located on the Bridge Street side hidden behind the lobby and dumpsters are near the loading dock. There will be 2 entrances to the parking lot, one on Bridge St and one on Boston St. There will be a 3rd lane on Boston Street to turn into the parking lot. Included will be a right turn only sign onto Boston St. An island will be placed on the property on the Boston St. side to detour cars from turning left into the parking lot.
The building elevation will start at 2 stories from Boston Street and rise up to 3 then 4 stories.
Dr. Lucas-How many parking spaces will there be?
Atty. Correnti -200 spaces.
Larisa - What about having more green space or a walking track for the seniors?
Atty. Correnti - Zoning requires 1 space for every medical office professional and 2 spaces for every employee. The Community Life Center will have 80 spaces but they will not be designated. We also need space for additional retailers such as the possibility of having a Health Club in the building
Larisa - What about people using your parking lot for the trains?
David Sweets -There will be a management team monitoring the parking. Warnings will be given, there will be towing involved after the 3rd or 4th warning.
David Greenbaum – will there be a restaurant in the atrium? What about medical waste?
Atty. Correnti - No restaurant planned. The original plan had a large atrium but that no longer exists so there will be no food service at this time. There might be a food service cart. Tenants will control how they dispose of medical waste.
Dr. Poremba – What type of lighting will there be in parking lot and how will it affect the neighbors?  
Mr. Gunderson –There will be low level lighting. The lights will stay on at night but will not flood the parking lot which is what the neighbors wanted.
  Dr. Poremba – Since there will be a flat roof would you consider using   it as green space as a way of using solar energy or roof top patios?  
Atty. Correnti - Yes we can look into those options. A roof top garden might be a possibility, rather see seating on ground level. A roof top garden can be very expensive and would have to be maintained by the senior center.
Mr. Gunderson – About solar energy, we can look into that.
Dr. Poremba – That would be a huge public relations plus if you had solar energy.
Mr. Gunderson - Esthetically that might not be pleasing to the neighbors. There’s a minimal amount of mechanics on the roof; a cooling tower on the 3rd story portion of the building. There’s not much payback for solar energy and planted roofs. AC will filter in fresh air as a state requirement. Plus there will be no windows that open in the building to make it more energy efficient. Maybe the senior center we could have a few doors that you can open into the café area.
Atty. Correnti - An AUL has been filed with DEP there are restrictions on what we can build such as no residential homes, no farming or gardening, and no play grounds. There is a licensed site professional involved. We will be capping the area. Remediation was done by Sylvania and filed at DEP. New filings will be given to DEP soon. There is one area of dirt that can not be removed which is included in proposed plans.
Motion: to approve site plans with all BOH standard conditions with the exception of # 6 & 7.
Motion passes unanimously.

Respectfully submitted,

Heather Lyons
Clerk of the Board

9:00 p.m.

Next regularly scheduled meeting is May  11, 2010 at 7pm at City Hall Annex, 120 Washington Street, Room 311 Salem.